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At KinderKlinik, not only will You receive all necessary certificates, but also learn the real condition of Your child’s health.

Issuing a certificate to attend swimming poolIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate to enroll in the university – form №086/yIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate about the child’s healthIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate about the child’s health for a camp – form №079/оIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate – form №063In case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate about an epidemiological environmentIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate – form №086/0-1 and 2In case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Certificates according to the forms: 063, №086/0-1 and 2, №086/o, №79/о etc.

Experience: 15 years old

Place of reception:

  • 16, Demiivska str.

Pediatrician. Pediatric allergist-immunologist.

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Experience: 10 years old

Place of reception:

  • 2, K. Bendukidze str.
House Call


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    Ярославчик (Колосок)

    02.04.2021 13:56

    Анна Владиславовна лучшая из лучших. Это врач экстренного реагирования, как 911, всегда на связи при любых обстоятельствах и в любых геолокациях. Любим и обожаем ❤️❤️❤️



      06.04.2021 14:02

      Дякуємо Вам за довіру! Наші лікарі завжди готові допомогти Вам та Вашим малюкам!

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At KinderKlinik you can have your child examined to get the medical certificates for enrolling in the kindergarten (form 063), school (forms №086/0-1 and 2) or university (form №086/o)

Certificates according to the forms: 063, №086/0-1 and 2, №086/o, №79/о etc.

Medical certificates for a child

At KinderKlinik you can have your child examined to get the medical certificates for enrolling in the kindergarten (form 063), school (forms №086/0-1 and 2) or university (form №086/o), to attend swimming pool, before going to a children’s camp (form №079/о) or sanatorium-resort card. We also provide certificates about the epidemiological environment or the state of Your child’s health.

At KinderKlinik You will not only get all the necessary paperwork, but learn the real condition of Your child’s health and the presence of any contraindications! (that is important when going to school)! The comprehensive examination by our specialists will help to preserve Your child’s health.

Certificate for the kindergarten – form №086/o-1

What do I need to get a certificate for the kindergarten?

  • a consultation of the pediatrician.

Certificate for the school – forms №086/0-1 and 2

What do I need to get a certificate for the school?

  • a consultation of the pediatrician.

If necessary, a doctor can direct a child to vaccination, major laboratory tests or narrow specialists.

Certificate for the swimming pool

What do I need to get a certificate for the swimming pool?

  • a consultation of the pediatrician.

Certificate for the epidemiological surrounding

What do I need to get this certificate?

  • a consultation of the pediatrician.

Certificate about the child’s health

What do I need to get this certificate?

  • a consultation of the pediatrician.

A consultation of the narrow specialist or additional examinations might be necessary, if the child is listed at any dispensary on account of any disease.

Certificate for enrolling in the university – form №086/о

What do I need to get certificate for enrolling in the university?

  • consultation of a pediatrician
  • consultation of a surgeon
  • consultation of an otolaryngologist
  • consultation of an ophthalmologist
  • consultation of a neurologist

You also need to provide the child’s ambulatory card, along with the list of vaccinations, results of the major laboratory tests, fluorography and chest X-ray – performed not later than six months.

Certificate for the children’s camp – form №079/о

What do I need to get the certificate for the camp?

  • a consultation of the pediatrician.

You also have to provide the ambulatory card along with the list of vaccinations.

Sanatorium-resort card (СКК) – form №072/о

What do I need to get the sanatorium-resort card (СКК)?

  • a consultation of the pediatrician.

You also need to provide the child’s ambulatory card, along with the list of vaccinations, results of the main laboratory tests and other examinations, fluorography and chest X-ray (for children older than 14 years) – performed not later than six months.

Depending on the disease and the specialty of the sanatorium (resort), you might also need a conclusion by a narrow specialist for an appropriate sanatorium (resort)

  • received no more than 6 months ago


  • comprehensive conclusion about the child’s health and all the necessary medical certificates;
  • convenience and economy of Your time;
  • the cost of all the disposable materials are included in the package price, you don’t have to make any additional payments;
  • personal account on the website, where You will be able to see the test results and clinicians’ conclusions at any time.

Important! If all the examinations/consultations, necessary to get a certificate, have been performed at KinderKlinik, the certificate cost is included in the cost of the consultation.

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