Nosenko Igor Vladimirovich
- Specialties: Surgery.
- Experience: 30 years old
- appointment: 2, A. Mishugi str.
Information about the doctor: Experience: since 1995; Education: Bogomolets National Medical University Professional growth:
- Specialty: pediatric surgery
- For many years he had worked as a pediatric surgeon at “OkhMatDet” and Kyiv’s leading private clinics. Back then he had to work with 30 to 70 little patients per shift, admitted urgently. Igor Vladimirovich operated on and saved many children, many of whom were in severe condition.
- Studied the course of “Abdominal laparoscopy in the childhood”
- Is a regular member of the conferences “Minor invasive surgery in childhood” etc.- self-studies by exploring medical literature, attending conferences, seminars, courses, master-classes.
Priority areas of practice:
- urgent surgery: emergency surgical conditions in children of any age (from birth to 18 years)
- laparoscopic surgery.
Specialized in treatment of the following diseases:
- polytrauma
- acute appendicitis
- pustular soft tissue diseases
- cicatricial phimoses
- hernia
- hydropsy
- varicocele, etc.
In the recent years the technique and methods of minor invasive surgery develop rapidly. I’m trying to always keep a finger on pulse and learn everything new, by exploring the innovations in Ukrainian and foreign surgery.
I think, that the most important part of my job is trusting children.
A good doctor is first and foremost a specialist and a kind human-being, who has the necessary modern medical equipment, professional experience and big heart.
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Пасека Мирослава
Носенко Ігор Володимирович – лікар від Бога!!!!! Щиро дякуємо!
Ігор Володимирович – чудовий лікар. Дуже допоміг сину зі сколіозом. Кому потрібен хороший ортопед – звертайтесь до Ігоря Володимировича.
Августа Мельник
Очень хороший хирург. У ребенка болела нога: напухла, больно было притронуться, сын хромал. Оказалось, что это в результате травмы, которая была недавно. Игорь Носенко быстро разобрался, в чем проблема. Его рекомендации и назначения очень помогли – ребенок быстро пошел на поправку. Сейчас уже бегает-прыгает, даже забыл о том, что что-то болело. Очень благодарны врачу!