Shevchenko Yelena Victorovna
- Specialties: Round-The-Clock admission.
- Experience: 26 years old
- appointment: 16, Demiivska str.
Information about the doctor: Experience: since 1999; Education: Lugansk National Medical University Professional growth:
- specialty: pediatric anesthesiology
- for many years worked as a pediatric anesthesiologist- reanimatologist in a municipal pediatric hospital, later as a head of the department of anesthesiology and intensive therapy. It often happened so, that Yelena Victorovna had to perform the medical manipulations along with providing anesthesia. Every day she saves children, by bringing them back from the most dangerous of conditions.
- a few years back a special case brought the doctor to fame, when Yelena Victorovna saved a newborn, left by the mother on the street, picked up by the passers-by and brought to the clinic. Yelena Victorovna did everything to save the child, who was later given her last name. At the moment the child is healthy and adopted.
- Attended the seminars “Gastroprotection in kids of all ages with GI tract diseases”, “Burning questions of antibacterial therapy in children of all age groups”, “Acute respiratory distress syndrome in pediatrics”, “Reanimation and intensive therapy of urgent conditions in pediatrics” etc.
- Introduced the following methods in the work of departments of anesthesiology and intensive care: “The combined use of laferobion and cycloferon in children of a younger age group in the treatment of severe intestinal toxico-exicosis”, “Methods of the integrated antihomotoxic therapy of obstructive bronchitis in children”, “The use of integrated therapy of artificial milk mixtures“ Nestle ”,“ Alfare ”,“ Nan lactose-free ” in severe toxico-exicosis in children of a younger age group in combination with enterosorbents of the fourth generation “,” The use of the drug “Bioven-mono” in the treatment of severe immunodeficiency states “, etc.
- Yelena Victorovna has received a number of gratitude letters from the saved children’s parents – the parents left them in the state national administration.
Priority areas of practice: – Intensive care of emergency conditions in pediatric practice; – extreme conditions in children (management tactics); – carrying out infusion therapy of nosological units in toxic-exicosis, endotoxicosis. Conducting full and partial parenteral nutrition with nosological units, accompanied by loss of body weight and enzyme loss; – conditions accompanied by the development of heart and respiratory failure in children of all age groups; – management and emergency measures for the development of allergic reactions of immediate and delayed types; – management tactics for poisoning of various etiologies; – tactics and emergency measures for thermal and chemical burns; – planned and emergency surgical pathology. Specialized in treatment of the following diseases: – pneumonia; – bronchitis; – SARS, severe course (often accompanied by severe endotoxemia and neurotoxicosis); – convulsive syndrome; – secondary ketoacidosis, severe course; – HES, toxico-exicosis; – drug poisoning; – poisoning by mushrooms, carbon monoxide; – VSD. Hypertensive crisis; – acute chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
A pediatrician – is a special profession, where you have to find a common language with a child, be polite to the parents, never attempt to scare the worried parents, quite the opposite, competently point to the possible ways to solve the complex situation, providing a step-by-step treatment scheme.
My job requires total self-devotion. It’s a huge responsibility. You totally forget about yourself. You forget to eat and drink. The only goal is to save a child.
The most pleasant and touching in my job is when parents wish to come to you and hug you. It’s in these moments when you have those unique feelings. Because the main feature of our work – are children, who are on the ledge between life and death. And when you try your hardest to save the child, and they recover – you realize it was all worth it
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Хочу виразити ВЕЛИКУ вдячність лікарю Шевченко О.В, за професіоналізм та турботливе ставлення до дитини. Чудовий лікар!!!!!
Світлана, дякуємо за відгук та високу оцінку лікаря! Будьте здорові!
Шевченко Елена Викторовна–самый граммотный педиатр г.Киева. Мы 8 лет не могли найти Доктора ребёнку. Пока не попали в Киндер Клиник и не встретились с ней. Профессиональная, опытная, уверенная,разбирается во всём,контролирует лечение,с индивидуальным подходом к ребёнку и его проблеме. Поставила ребёнка на ноги за 3 дня,с дальнейшими рабочими рекомендациями.
Большое счастье и везение,что в нашей стране есть ещё такие детские Врачи,как Елена Викторовна.
Очень Вам благодарна! И судьбе,за встречу с Вами)!
Мы лежали в стационаре KinderKlinik, моего ребенка наблюдала Елена Шевченко. Мое впечатление о враче: очень внимательная, неравнодушная, заботливая , при этом уверенная в себе и толковый врач. Сумела поставить моего ребенка на ноги. В процессе рассказывала всё, что происходит с малышом, на понятном для нас языке. И после выписки «вела» нас до полного выздоровления! Неоднократно перезванивала и спрашивала, как там мой малыш! Спасибо Вам огромное!