Your child is entering the next grade? Don’t forget to check their health! Go through the comprehensive examination and get all the necessary certificates. “Next grade with KinderKlinik” package includes:
- Consultations of two narrow-profile specialists of your choice (we recommend consulting with an orthopedist and ophthalmologist);
- resting ECG;
- general blood analysis;
- blood test for glucose;
- analysis of feces for helminth eggs;
- сonsultation of the pediatrician.
Discount amount – 26% The package price is 2500 UAH. The package is valid for 30 days after purchase. Besides the 086/o-1 and 2, as well as a medical certificate on the epidemiological environment You will need the 063 form – be sure to bring your vaccination card with you. Package benefits:
- comprehensive conclusion about the child’s health and all the necessary medical certificates to enroll in the school;
- convenience and economy of Your time;
- the cost of all the disposable materials are included in the package price, you don’t have to make any additional payments;
- personal account on the website, where You will be able to see the test results and clinicians’ conclusions at any time.
To learn the details and sign up for an appointment you can call the KinderKlinik contact-center at the following phone numbers: 0800 30 75 75 096 390 75 75 044 390 75 75
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