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Cost of services

The goal of KinderKlinik is to help our little patients grow up healthy and happy. That is why we create the widest possible range of services, gather a team of wonderful doctors, open the departments in the convenient locations for parents and form a balanced price policy.

We’ve devised a cumulative discount program for our regular customers. The longer you are with us, the more affordable will the prevention and treatment of the children’s diseases be.

On this page we provide a short price list. The full price list can be found at our departments.

Consultation of a pediatric allergist750 грн
Consultation of a pediatric cardiorheumatologist750 грн
Issuing a certificate to attend swimming poolIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate to enroll in the university – form №086/yIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate about the child’s healthIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate about the child’s health for a camp – form №079/оIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate – form №063In case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate about an epidemiological environmentIn case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Issuing a certificate – form №086/0-1 and 2In case you are consulted at KinderKlinik, the cost of a certificate is added to the consultation cost. Otherwise such a certificate can be handed out if the patient provides all the documented medical information230 грн
Comprehensive packages
Yearly patronage packages
«First year with KinderKlinik» package12 pediatric examination per year + 3 urgent examinations (from 1st to 12th month of the child’s life the examinations should be done monthly); 10 examination by narrow specialists – neurologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon (2 examinations per year from every specialist) + 4 additional examinations; 15 laboratory tests – clinical blood and urine analysis, coprogram, C-reactive protein (quantitatively) + 11 additional tests; 6 instrumental diagnostic examinations – Ultrasonography of organs of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, resting ECG, transthoracic echocardiography and Doppler sonography of the heart, ultrasonography of the hip joints (Graf method), neurosonography + additional examination (ultrasonography of the thymus, soft tissues or peripheral lymph nodes); 10 hours of inpatient stay (if necessary)19500 грн
«First year with KinderKlinik Light» package8 pediatric consultations, 4 consultations of the narrow specialists at your choice (endocrinologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, orthopedist-traumatologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, allergist, dermatologist)5300 грн
«Healthy childhood with KinderKlinik» packageA yearly package includes: 8 pediatric examinations at the medical center; 5 examinations by the narrow specialists (at the parents’ choice and/or medically indicated) at the department; 12 lab tests (blood and urine 4 tests each, 4 tests of C-Reactive protein level); Ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity; resting ECG; 10 hours of inpatient stay (if necessary), certificates at the parents’ request10750 грн
«Healthy childhood with KinderKlinik Light» packageA yearly package includes: 5 pediatric examinations at the medical center; 4 examinations by the narrow specialists (at the parents’ choice and/or medically indicated) at the department; 4 lab tests (blood and urine 2 tests each); Ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity; resting ECG; certificates at the parents’ request5700 грн
Packages for the newborns
«Phototherapy at home» package (working hours, in Kyiv)2900 грн
«Phototherapy at home» package (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)3250 грн
Packages for kindergarten and school
«To school with KinderKlinik» packageConsultations of a pediatrician, an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist and neurologist, resting ECG; general blood and urine analysis; blood glucose level test; feces analysis to detect any helminths’ eggs and protozoa cysts; scraping for enterobiosis (pinworm eggs); Certificates for the forms 063, certificate about epidemiological environment, 086/o-1 and 2 are handed at the request2600 грн
«To kindergarten with KinderKlinik» packageConsultations of a pediatrician; resting ECG; general blood and urine analysis; blood glucose level test; feces analysis to detect any helminths’ eggs and protozoa cysts; scraping for enterobiosis (pinworm eggs); Certificates for the forms 063, certificate about epidemiological environment, 086/o-1 and 2 are handed at the request1240 грн
«Next grade with KinderKlinik» packageConsultations of a pediatrician and two narrow specialists at your choice (we recommend consulting an orthopedist and an ophthalmologist); resting ECG; general blood and urine analysis; blood glucose level test; feces analysis to detect any helminths’ eggs and protozoa cysts; scraping for enterobiosis (pinworm eggs); Certificates for the forms 063, certificate about epidemiological environment, 086/o-1 and 2 are handed at the request1900 грн
Consultation of a pediatric dermatologistConsultation includes dermatoscopy, examination in the Wood’s lamp, scarification, diascopy, Balcer probe etc.650 грн
Ultrasound examinations
Ultrasound examination of abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen)550 грн
Comprehensive ultrasound examination of abdominal and retroperitoneal organs (liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, kidneys)590 грн
Comprehensive echocardiography in children750 грн
Ultrasonography of hip joints in children (according to the graph method)495 грн
Ultrasonography of joints and bones (one anatomical area)450 грн
Ultrasonography of soft tissues (one anatomical area)350 грн
Ultrasonography examination of retroperitoneal organs (kidneys, adrenal glands)450 грн
Ultrasonography of the bladder with determination of residual urine450 грн
Ultrasonography examination of the organs of the scrotum450 грн
Ultrasonography of the kidneys400 грн
Ultrasonic duplex scanning of kidney vessels490 грн
Neurosonography (NSH)450 грн
Thyroid ultrasonography450 грн
Thymus ultrasonography400 грн
Ultrasonography of salivary glands (one anatomical site)400 грн
Ultrasonography of peripheral lymph nodes (one anatomic area)400 грн
Comprehensive ultrasound examination in pediatrics (NAF, hip joints according to Graph)790 грн
Ultrasonography of the pyloric department of the stomach in children400 грн
Ultrasonography of the adrenal glands400 грн
Breast Ultrasonography450 грн
Ultrasonography of the vessels of the head (Doppler)760 грн
Ultrasonography of neck vessels (Doppler)760 грн
Resting ECG180 грн
Resting ECG with decryption230 грн
Neurophysiological diagnostics
Electroencephalography (EEG) at rest650 грн
Endoscopic diagnostics
Endoscopic examination of the nose and throatCan only be performed along with a consultation of a pediatric otolaryngologist380 грн
Endoscopic examination of an ear with photofixationCan only be performed along with a consultation of a pediatric otolaryngologist150 грн
Consultation of a pediatric endocrinologist750 грн
Consultation of a pediatric gastroenterologist650 грн
Consultation of a pediatric gynecologist750 грн
Consultation of a pediatric immunologist750 грн
Biochemical tests
C-reactive protein (quantitative)160 грн
C-reactive protein (quantitative) Cito!190 грн
Bilirubin total90 грн
Bilirubin total Cito!110 грн
Bilirubin direct60 грн
Bilirubin direct Cito!70 грн
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)70 грн
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) Cito!80 грн
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)70 грн
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Cito!80 грн
Alkaline phosphatase70 грн
Alkaline phosphatase Cito!80 грн
Gamma-glutamate transferase (GGT)70 грн
Gamma-glutamate transferase (GGT) Cito!80 грн
Amylase pancreatic70 грн
Amylase pancreatic Cito!80 грн
Total protein70 грн
Total protein Cito!80 грн
Albumin70 грн
Albumin Cito!80 грн
Creatinine70 грн
Creatinine Cito!80 грн
Urea70 грн
Urea Cito!80 грн
Glucose70 грн
Glucose Cito!80 грн
Calcium70 грн
Calcium Cito!80 грн
Iron75 грн
Iron cito!85 грн
Cholesterol75 грн
Cholesterol cito!85 грн
Triglycerides75 грн
Triglycerides cito!85 грн
Magnesium75 грн
Magnesium cito!85 грн
Phosphorus75 грн
Phosphorus cito!85 грн
Glucose tolerance test (3 studies)230 грн
Panel «liver tests» (ALT, AST, bilirubin total and direct, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, GGT)380 грн
Panel «liver tests» (ALT, AST, bilirubin total and direct, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, GGT) Cito!420 грн
Panel «kidney tests» (urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin)240 грн
Panel «kidney tests» (urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin) Cito!270 грн
Hematologic tests
General clinical blood test (analyzer parameters)140 грн
General clinical blood test (analyzer parameters) Cito!170 грн
General clinical blood test (analyzer parameters, leukocyte formula)180 грн
General clinical blood test (analyzer parameters, leukocyte formula) Cito!210 грн
General clinical blood test (analyzer parameters, leukocyte formula, ESR)210 грн
General clinical blood test (analyzer parameters, leukocyte formula, ESR) Cito!240 грн
General clinical blood test (analyzer parameters, leukocyte formula, ESR, reticulocytes)270 грн
General clinical blood test (analyzer parameters, leukocyte formula, ESR, reticulocytes) Cito!310 грн
Transcutaneous test (bilirubin ness)200 грн
Urine tests
General clinical analysis of urine with microscopy160 грн
General clinical analysis of urine with microscopy Cito!190 грн
Glucose and ketone levels in the urine test70 грн
Glucose and ketone levels in the urine test Cito!80 грн
Nechiporenko urine analysis210 грн
Nechiporenko urine analysis Cito!230 грн
Feces tests
Coprogram210 грн
Coprogram Cito!230 грн
Helminths’ eggs in feces analysis (Parasep test system)140 грн
Helminths’ eggs in feces analysis (Parasep test system) Cito!160 грн
Scrapping for enterobiasis110 грн
Scrapping for enterobiasis Cito!140 грн
Feces analysis for hidden blood140 грн
Feces analysis for hidden blood Cito!160 грн
Fecal leucocytes160 грн
Fecal leucocytes Cito!190 грн
Other tests
Rhinocytogram140 грн
Rhinocytogram Cito!160 грн
Test for demodex (skin, eyelashes, eyebrows)180 грн
Cytological examination for parasitic fungi (scraping of skin, hair, nails)170 грн
Microscopic examination of urogenital material in children200 грн
Microscopic examination of urogenital material in children Cito!250 грн
Detection of lamblia antigens in feces200 грн
Detection of antigens of rotaviruses, adenoviruses, astroviruses, noroviruses in feces520 грн
Detection of antigens of rotaviruses, adenoviruses in faeces280 грн
Detection of salmonella antigens in feces240 грн
Detection of group A streptococci antigens (from the throat)150 грн
Detection of influenza A and B virus antigens (from the nose)360 грн
Detection of IgM antibodies to hepatitis A virus (in serum)150 грн
Detection of HBsAg hepatitis B virus (in serum)130 грн
Detection of hepatitis C virus (in serum)130 грн
Allergy diagnostics (prick test) without the cost of allergen*12420 грн
Allergy diagnostics (prick test) without allergen*160 грн
Rapid nasal test for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)270 грн
Rapid tests for adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza A + B560 грн
Test for enterovirus240 грн
Tests, performed at the partner laboratories
The whole list of tests can be found at the KinderKlinik departments’ reception desks, or simply call: 0800 30 75 75- грн
Extra fee for the night-time testing
An extra fee for performing a test between 22:00 and 08:0080 грн
Consultation of a neurologist
Consultation of a pediatric neurologist650 грн
Consultation of a pediatric ophthalmologist650 грн
Consultation of a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist650 грн
Consultation of a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist. Expert of direction850 грн
Consultation of a pediatric otolaryngologist650 грн
Patronage of the newborns
Consultation of a pediatrician at the medical center
Consultation of a pediatrician at the first appointment550 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician in a foreign language (English, Arabian) at the first appointment950 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician510 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician in a foreign language (English, Arabian)750 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in Kyiv)1200 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)1500 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in Kyiv): 3 consultations3240 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv): 3 consultations4050 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in Kyiv): 5 consultations5100 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv): 5 consultations6370 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home in a foreign English (English, Arabian) (working hours, in Kyiv)2100 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home in a foreign English (English, Arabian) (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)2600 грн
Extra fee for a consultation of a pediatrician at home in 20 to 50 km distance from Kyiv980 грн
Extra fee for an expert consultation
Extra fee for a consultation by a lead doctor150 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a director of a medical center KinderKlinik/ PhD, a pediatric doctor300 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a lead doctor at home (working hours, in Kyiv)200 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a lead doctor at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)250 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a director of a medical center KinderKlinik/ PhD, a pediatric doctor at home (working hours, in Kyiv)550 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a director of a medical center KinderKlinik/ PhD, a pediatric doctoB322:C323r at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)700 грн
Nurse home visit
Nurse home visit for drawing the analysis material or patronage (working hours, in Kyiv)350 грн
Nurse home visit for drawing the analysis material or patronage (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)440 грн
Packages for the newborns
«First year with KinderKlinik» package12 pediatric examination per year + 3 urgent examinations (from 1st to 12th month of the child’s life the examinations should be done monthly); 10 examination by narrow specialists – neurologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon (2 examinations per year from every specialist) + 4 additional examinations; 15 laboratory tests – clinical blood and urine analysis, coprogram, C-reactive protein (quantitatively) + 11 additional tests; 6 instrumental diagnostic examinations – Ultrasonography of organs of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, resting ECG, transthoracic echocardiography and Doppler sonography of the heart, ultrasonography of the hip joints (Graf method), neurosonography + additional examination (ultrasonography of the thymus, soft tissues or peripheral lymph nodes); 10 hours of inpatient stay (if necessary)19500 грн
«First year with KinderKlinik Light» package8 pediatric consultations, 4 consultations of the narrow specialists at your choice (endocrinologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, orthopedist-traumatologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, allergist, dermatologist)5300 грн
«Phototherapy at home» package (working hours, in Kyiv)2900 грн
«Phototherapy at home» package (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)3250 грн
Pediatric consultation
Consultation of a pediatrician at the first appointment665 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician650 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a lead doctor100 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a director of a medical center KinderKlinik/ PhD, a pediatric doctor330 грн
Inpatient stay
Inpatient stay supervised by medical staff, 1 hour400 грн
Inpatient stay supervised by medical staff, ranging from 2 to 3 hours950 грн
Inpatient stay supervised by medical staff, ranging from 3 to 6 hours1500 грн
Inpatient stay supervised by medical staff, ranging from 6 to 12 hours2300 грн
Consultation of a pediatric psychiatrist1000 грн
Consultation of a pediatric clinical psychologist750 грн
Round-The-Clock admission
Consultation of a duty doctor
Consultation of a pediatric duty doctor650 грн
Speech Therapy
Consultation of a speech therapist (including VAT)650 грн
Consultation of a pediatric surgeon650 грн
Consultation of a pediatric surgeon. Expert of direction850 грн
Consultation of a pediatric urologist. Expert of direction650 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Infanrix» GSK (Against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus)1400 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Engerix B» GSK (Against hepatitis B, 0,5 ml)400 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Engerix B» GSK (Against hepatitis B, 1,0 ml)260 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Cervarix» GSK (Against HPV (human papilloma virus) type 16,18)1400 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Hiberix» GSK (Against haemophilus influenza)620 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Synflorix» GSK (Against 10 strains of pneumococcus)1470 грн
Vaccination against rabies (Indirab), has to be ordered820 грн
Tuberculin diagnostics (Mantoux test)360 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Twinrix» GSK (Prevention of viral hepatitis A and B)1100 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Varilrix» GSK (Against chickenpox)1450 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Havrix 720» GSK (Against hepatitis A for children)900 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Infranrix IPV» GSK (Against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio)1450 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Infranrix hexa» GSK (Against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, hepatitis B and haemophilus influenza)2200 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «Infranrix+Ipv+Hib» GSK (Against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio and haemophilus influenza)1900 грн
Vaccination using a vaccine: «GC FLU» Green Cross Corporation (Against flu)375 грн
Certificate for vaccination using a vaccine: «Infanrix» GSK (Against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus)1400 грн
Сall in a doctor
Consultation of a pediatrician at home
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in Kyiv)1200 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)1500 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in Kyiv): 3 consultations3240 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv): 3 consultations4050 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in Kyiv): 5 consultations5100 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv): 5 consultations6370 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home in a foreign English (English, Arabian) (working hours, in Kyiv)2100 грн
Consultation of a pediatrician at home in a foreign English (English, Arabian) (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)2600 грн
Extra fee for a consultation of a pediatrician at home in 20 to 50 km distance from Kyiv980 грн
Nurse home visit
A nurse home visit to draw material for analysis, or patronage (working hours, in Kyiv)350 грн
A nurse home visit to draw material for analysis, or patronage (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)440 грн
Extra pay for an expert consultation
Extra fee for a consultation by a lead doctor at home (working hours, in Kyiv)200 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a lead doctor at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)250 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a director of a medical center KinderKlinik/ PhD, a pediatric doctor at home (working hours, in Kyiv)550 грн
Extra fee for a consultation by a director of a medical center KinderKlinik/ PhD, a pediatric doctor at home (working hours, in 20 km vicinity to Kyiv)700 грн

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Our doctors
направления All doctors

Experience: 31 years old

Place of reception:

  • 45/2 Vishgorodska srt.
Online consultation

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Experience: 33 years old

Place of reception:

  • 16, Demiivska str.

Gynecologist for children and adolescents.

Doctor reviews (3)
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Experience: 15 years old

Place of reception:

  • 16, Demiivska str.

Pediatrician. Pediatric allergist-immunologist.

Doctor reviews (2)
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Experience: 30 years old

Place of reception:

  • 2, A. Mishugi str.
House Call

Pediatric surgeon. Expert of direction.

Doctor reviews (3)
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Experience: 28 years old

Place of reception:

  • 16, Demiivska str.
  • 2, A. Mishugi str.
House Call

Pediatric psychiatrist.

Doctor reviews (2)
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Experience: 26 years old

Place of reception:

  • 16, Demiivska str.
House Call

Round-the-clock admission Pediatrics

Doctor reviews (4)
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Experience: 10 years old

Place of reception:

  • 2, K. Bendukidze str.
House Call


Doctor reviews (3)
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Experience: 46 years old

Place of reception:

  • 2, A. Mishugi str.
Online consultation


Doctor reviews (20)
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Experience: 15 years old

Place of reception:

  • 2, A. Mishugi str.


Doctor reviews (6)
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Experience: 33 years old

Place of reception:

  • 16, Demiivska str.
House Call

Ultrasonography specialist.

Doctor reviews (2)
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Experience: 32 years old

Place of reception:

  • 2, A. Mishugi str.
House Call

Pediatric neurologist, PhD, assistant professor.

Doctor reviews (10)
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Our advantages

kinderklinik – disease prevention and healthy lifestyle


kinderklinik provides two waiting areas - for sick and for healthy children


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